Sunday 27 July 2014

loop-holes on my sheet

this  is the way  of thinking  middle class human Indian mind .. those   give  major contribution to make nation ... in crores... just read below , slowly  and you will able to find  " loop-holes on my sheet "

some where  i was reading from half information  confidently sharing about  Arya Bhatt, person was telling " हम अपना ज्ञान छुड़ कर दुसरो के ज्ञान को प्राप्त करने के लिए भाग रहे है लेकिन वही लोग उल्टा हमारे ज्ञान को प्राप्त करने के लिए संस्कृत को सीख़ रहे है ! और अपने यहाँ न संस्कृत को पढ़ा रहे है ! आर्य भट्ट ने ३ शताब्दी में ही बता दिया था कि पृत्वी संतरे कि तरह है ! यहाँ कालिदास को नहीं पढ़ाया जाता जबकि सेक्सपियर को गर्व से पढ़ाया व् पढ़ा जाता है ! "

some Intelligent  collect the pic from net  and host his flag : 

below post posted with above pic  by  Poojya Acharya Bal Krishan Ji Maharaj
पृथ्वी का भोगोलिक मानचित्र: वेद व्यास द्वारा
महाभारत में पृथ्वी का पूरा मानचित्र हजारों वर्ष पूर्व ही दे दिया गया था। महाभारत में कहा गया है कि यह पृथ्वी चन्द्रमंडल में देखने पर दो अंशों मे खरगोश तथा अन्य दो अंशों में पिप्पल (पत्तों) के रुप में दिखायी देती है-
उपरोक्त मानचित्र ११वीं शताब्दी में रामानुजचार्य द्वारा महाभारत के निम्नलिखित श्लोक को पढ्ने के बाद बनाया गया था-
“ सुदर्शनं प्रवक्ष्यामि द्वीपं तु कुरुनन्दन। परिमण्डलो महाराज द्वीपोऽसौ चक्रसंस्थितः॥
यथा हि पुरुषः पश्येदादर्शे मुखमात्मनः। एवं सुदर्शनद्वीपो दृश्यते चन्द्रमण्डले॥ द्विरंशे पिप्पलस्तत्र द्विरंशे च शशो महान्।

—वेद व्यास, भीष्म पर्व, महाभारत
हे कुरुनन्दन ! सुदर्शन नामक यह द्वीप चक्र की भाँति गोलाकार स्थित है, जैसे पुरुष दर्पण में अपना मुख देखता है, उसी प्रकार यह द्वीप चन्द्रमण्डल में दिखायी देता है। इसके दो अंशो मे पिप्पल और दो अंशो मे महान शश(खरगोश) दिखायी देता है। अब यदि उपरोक्त संरचना को कागज पर बनाकर व्यवस्थित करे तो हमारी पृथ्वी का मानचित्र बन जाता है, जो हमारी पृथ्वी के वास्तविक मानचित्र से बहुत समानता दिखाता है।

some where we get 
successful to collect this information from our religious  history , well  right ! 

जुग सहस्त्र जोजन पर भानु , 
लील्यो ताहि मधुर फल जानू||18||

In eng--

Juga sahastra jojan par bhaanu |
Leelyo taahi madhur phal jaanu ||18||

juga means the sum of Four Yugas (1 complete Mahayuga) with unit in divine years.
Satiyuga= 4800 divine years
Tretayuga=3600 divine years
Dwaparyuga=2400 divine years
Kaliyuga=1200 divine years
Check wiki 
Hindu units of time - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So 1juga= 12000 
Now next is sahastra (सहस्त्र) is common sanskrit word meaning "1000"

Next is jojan also know as Yojan that equals to 8 miles 
Yojana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
lets calculate distance of sun from earth

Juga X Sahastra X jojan (in miles) = 12000X1000X8= 960,00000 miles
Now 1 mile= 1.6km
So 960,00000 miles= 960,00000X1.6 km = 1536,00000km.
Today estimated dist is approximately 15,0000000 km which is close to above.

well done and bravo !! 

not you may get from more than ..... why !  because you overlook on those issues  from history  which make character  of individual and  a nation 

you forget  to put here those issues  , of honesty and dedication , now you feel  knock to that lost proud ! 

very nice !! 

Good Art !! 

yes agreed we lived super Scientific era in Satyug in Dwapar yug , but what you lacked that time  till today , the major cause to drag back in lacks of years , those aspects they do not have ! 

do not forget of deep characteristics fare-evaluation ! 

* to live well  good job  is essential , what people will do  with more historical evidence  with all empty stomoch of self  and of family  libalities
* today on  gain knowledge on kalidasa or vedas ... no one able to get food  and respect . yes for information gaing  its good . for small tutions  it may good !  
* today english is must  for international developments for India , english is a Bridge . 
* few other countries not set lingual value  as we  did  here .  china  is not dependent , japan is independent. but we are not . we are dependent  for many reasons.  and we are not alone , like  us many other  countries dependent . so that we are  still comes under developing  countries , may be our History is more old that their  existence , so what ? 

*they take all researches  as treasure  to pass to next gen as subjectuive value .
*we  attached  our all entire knowledge sheet  with religion  and this way it get limited  spread. 
*we relive on drum beating , they believe on output ! 

live with flowing time  to accept  out basic faults . is the only way to come up again . chirping  is not solutions , is like try to make dam  on dry river . 

they getting fruit of their  labor  and we  get fruit  of our  work ,  be  accept reality  , be firm in heart , and getup  with proud . 

1rst  make  nation well  , then  repair  your cultural faults 

but who will do this ? where every one want to live with peace , and two time food  plus required cloths . 

we have also  desire to live well up to the mark , but we are no so much quality productive . so that  we  force  to  live under  availing  other good products . Our  major  youth  is depends  on living style  fooding   style  and  even  in antiquate  shows  towards western living ,  and we are saying " we are , we are "

just think  to say  we  are , we are ! where are you !  know your place ! 

to day we are dependent  for all scientific works on their labs , their infrastructures , for our higher  scientific  researches !! our brain going out  for that do not blame them  , just look inside .....

regarding  their  development story ....  they also human being  like us . they also  lives in frustrations  and fights  inspite  of all  they are focused  to developments ... think !!   

The time , when we were busy in internal fights with Muslims  and  Britishers , they were  doing  work hard  to make infrastructures  and  Institutions . 

when they were  busy  in Scientific researches , we were   just  involves  our self , in freedom fights  and cast fights plus Hindu Muslim riots ...

More digging  want ; than think  the root cause  of  Britishers   decide to rule on you ! 

more want to go back , let us come back , Muslims  attack on us  reason was , we were weak and divided  in small  states . and  not only divided  we were  involved in killings  of small kings and kingdoms ., before that  portugees were attacks  on India .. that time Chanakya  gives these wisdom words , be unite make  One   Nation " Akhand Bharata "

regarding  i find  Muslims religion is  very much imbalanced , one side  they produce pure Sufi  and on other hand they cultivate  Jehadies One  portion  says  respect women other issued fatwa  from ISIS-who ordered genital mutilation of all Iraqi women............It is really a painful..shameful........... , one is very flexible and other is very rigid and cruel. 

We Hindus also suffering  kind of religious  and spiritual imbalance , in one hand  we  produced Spiritual  leaders their  basic preaches  depends on  introspection  on other hand  we are  much away  with all introspection , we live free  we think free . One side  we can kill who say  against  of   born faith, on other hand  , we  don't care  for our National character building. 

So  do you understand  the root of down fall  or still not !! 

all down fall  or rise high  depends on National character , which  made become from hard work of  individual character . 

than think twice !!  are you worth to say these nonsense , " we are , we are "

Okeis ! 

but what now ! 

what we are doing today in modern era !! 

is it worth to talk nonsense , 

still we are not honest , not dedicated , not doing work hard . ( not saying  exceptions, few exceptions are carrying  nation ) Major  Indians  are busy in  to safe living  and  two time food  peacefully  and our  politician and Nation Builders  still busy where ! in low level politics  under criminals  shelter .  actually we are not capable to fight with self . we ger defeated  with internal disease  of hypocrisy. Saying something else publicly   and   thinking differently  individually , its  a every home story . every person story , from this hypocrite  brick  we involve in build Nation-Building  . with other selfish material . 

and we talk big !! 

land allotted by lord with same  fertility , rather you have advantage  of  Seasons  and  crop , whatever they have not  ...... still  you are talking !  there  garden is more fertile  more productive , Rather than you ! 

still you are  years drag back from them .....


you start again drum beating ,that ; Once Upon a time ....... when our Ancestor  were Intelligent !! and your next talk is  what you will be  in world ...... why you are not able to look today ! 

Come out  with feeling of false pride, think only what you are , 
What you are about to lose , and what you have in hand  now . 


You have smart brain , utilize ! 
Yes you have  courage , use it ! 
You have capabilities , do it ! 
that's all ! 


Do not Talk  about  what you were 
Do not talk about what you will be
O' youth come out with Illusive dreams 
Just look where you are 


Wake-up , where you are !
Stand strong , what you have !
Stay strong with accepted reality 
Fix  yourself  along sturdy steps 
Honest affirmation to push forward
Is only way to come out from mud. 

1 comment:

  1. friends ! this one note is not spirituale , but dedicated to spiritually for Be Honest on Self Evaluation , and its a Serious Matter
