Friday 24 July 2015

13 -July 2015 - 21 days meditation designed by Deepak chopra & Opera / Day 12 to 21

Continued .... of  from the Day One  to Day eleven  ,Mediation PROGRAM collection By Deepak  chopra & Oprah 

Today, set the intention to see the world through the innocent eyes of a child. Is there something in your life you see every day, but that never ceases to bring a smile to your face?

Day 12

Loving with Gratitude


Love is the truest sign of grace in my life.


Aham Prema

My true essence is divine love.


" Each Breath is connected to Divine Love , weather  any one agree or not  grace is  exist in form of Divine love , that is  a central pot of grace  it works equally Good or bad people  "

"we find  many people  who love us but not find words  to express  gratitude  towards  , no matter  still knows what is still in heart " its called Divine Love , love is the part of your awareness , if you choose or not ,  you become  more what you are .

whole  back of expressing love is feeling of rejection , but never stop to you to  express silently  express gratitude  of love . Gratitude we feel  to people we love  is feeling of  Unity and recognition . Gratitude  simplify love expression .

if you take  a moment to say  silently or in expression , must say ' thank you to be with me , thank you for sharing life together, know  that you connected with deepest level . thank you for all ' 


think deeply 

Love is truest sign of grace in my life 


Love is truest sign of grace in my life 



Now prepare for meditation  and gently use the mantra " Aham prema "  while repeat silently . keep  body mind  Open . pl continue .... 


its time to release the mantra 
inhale and exhale slowly 
when you ready open your eyes

as as you filled your day with contemplate thought 


 Love is the truest sign of grace in my life.

Love is the truest sign of grace in my life.

Love is the truest sign of grace in my life.

Day 13

Succeeding through Gratitude


I find true success through inner fulfillment.


Om Kleem Shreem

I attract all divine abundance and blessings.
“The EGO holds the object of desire as a way to feel better about itself." 

Ego knows more n more n more to fill its emptiness , without external stimulation  ego feels compeitely hollow and lonely gratitude always  align you  that success always been present,  whatever is appears  beneath that many unfold layers  waiting to unfold  in time  , it connect to source  is totaly life sustaining  it allows  to experiencing life  years after years  is really  rising-arch 
Now lets prepare  for meditation Considering  with centering thought ,
"I find success through inner fulfillment " 

make yourself comfortable , close eyes begin aware to your breath ,  just breath slowly  and easily each breath

gently Introduce the mantra and repeat Mantra  'Om kleem shreem'  Silently with in , this mantra  attract success and divine support  quality  and peace..

pl continue  meditation with mantra  ............... 

its time to release the mantra 
inhale and exhale slowly 
when you feel ready, can open your eyes

as as you filled your day with contemplate the centering thought thought 
I find true success through inner fulfillment.
I find true success through inner fulfillment.
I find true success through inner fulfillment.

Day 14

Gratitude Brings Compassion

When I have no judgment, I see everyone with kindness.
Karuna Hum

I am compassion.

allow  yourself with each repetition  of mantra " Karuna hum " find attached yourself  with being.

pl continue with meditation " karuna hum "
its time to release the mantra
inhale and exhale slowly
when you feel ready, can open your eyes

as as you filled your day with contemplate the centering thought thought
When I have no judgment, I see everyone with kindness.
When I have no judgment, I see everyone with kindness.
When I have no judgment, I see everyone with kindness.

Day 15

Seeing the Big Picture, Becoming the Big Picture

The more complete we are, the more grace resides within us.


By living my wholeness, I become complete.


Om Purnam Idam

Individuality is wholeness.

Just Being Me Grateful - "That little bit more" today and everyday - for the benefit of All . The more grateful I am... The more my life is supported.

DAY15. “You become an Agent of Grace” – Beautiful Deepak! “Speak and act when you feel something inside tap you on the shoulder, giving you encouragement to say or do something kind or appreciative…” This is the Highest Form of Pay it Forward. I’ve been living like this on so many occasions but now I’m going to be even more mindful of it. The Restaurant chain of John Bon Jovi comes to mind where customers pay extra for their meals/drinks for a homeless person to come in later on and have a meal at no charge. Or they can help out in the restaurant for an hour as an exchange of their meal. JBJ’s Soul Kitchen is obviously just one of many and me too, would love to create something this GRACIOUS.

Deepak Chopra , "Its no daily to daily guidance can work  only n only its just open the door  of self heart  self  compassion  with all gratitude " , " if your  gratitude  get awake and you get complete  with grace  you cracks of pot / pitcher healed and  filled by  divine love water "
Now time of meditation , make yourself comfortable , close eyes begin aware to your breath ,  just breath slowly  and easily each breath , now gently Introduce the mantra , and repeat with self , with each  repeat  find your body and mind aligned 

Pause of minutes 

its time to release the mantra 

inhale and exhale slowly 
when you feel ready, can open your eyes

as as you filled your day with contemplate the centering thought thought 
By living my wholeness, I become complete.
By living my wholeness, I become complete.
By living my wholeness, I become complete.
Freedom lies in acceptance.

Have you ever been through a situation that you resisted at first, but eventually came to understand was for the best?

Day 16
The Hidden Secret of Being

Every day, my Being seeks new ways to expand.

Ananta Swa Bhava
My true self has no limits or boundaries.
Deepak  Chopra :  " The deepest secrets hidden behind simplest things , and to be in here is simpler.  to be  just to exist , its sounds just like blank slate . everyone have three  gifts love truth and beauty . these  are hidden as due  in  the  constructed  or narrow space  of Ignorance  , They appears / reveal themselves   as awareness expended in to gratitude-awareness .  Sometime any one can at very precious moment  when feel the moment had open up  the flower bloom inside  from any inspiration , without prior notice , Psychologist  call these uncanny feeling because  they arrive  not have any coat  to arise , These  feelings  are divine gifts  and divine takes no material cost for . the cost of feeling is only feeling and purity of heart  out of the blue   you feel free unbounded   light and unstuck . "

One  experience  of mediator : DAY 16. “You are not deciding what you want to be. You are deciding to be who you are.” ~ Kevyn Aucoin. I strongly believe this. When we come to a point to just Allow, we WILL become of what we meant to be, effortlessly. It is such a “well-kept secret” in our society where we glorify busy-ness SO much that we work ourselves into exhaustion. Yet we can’t wait to get back on the wheel again. We must stop and leave space for “God” (Source Energy) to step in. I now am so happy I came this far. That transformation did happen for me in 2012 and ever since I haven’t stopped expanding. That moment is so specific. The next day you hear every-thing different. Everything looks & sounds different. It’s like you entered a greater dimension (an inside circle). Making decisions of my Real Self is the best I’ve done for myself. I still need to practice a lot more but I’m aware of it now. ~ Namasté 

continue ..... of Deepak Chopra : Take a moment to close your eyes and think of one thing – big or small – you can do today to expand your Being. It could be taking a walk in nature, spending quality time with someone who inspires you, or the simple act of meditating with us today. lets prepare of meditation . Now time of meditation , make yourself comfortable , close eyes begin aware to your breath ,  just breath slowly  and easily each breath , now gently Introduce the mantra , and repeat with self , with each  repeat  find your body and mind aligned
Mantra : Ananta Swa Bhava
Ananta Swa Bhava
Ananta Swa Bhava
its time to release the mantra

inhale and exhale slowly
when you feel ready, can open your eyes

as as you filled your day with contemplate the centering thought thought
Every day, my Being seeks new ways to expand.
Every day, my Being seeks new ways to expand.
Every day, my Being seeks new ways to expand.


Day 17

Making Grace a Way of Life


Grace is perfect even when my life isn't.


Vratam Ahum

I am the consciousness that accepts life with wisdom.

One  experience of meditater : Stella Johnson DAY17. Oprah mentioned it often that “All this time I was waiting on God and the truth is, that God was waiting on me”. I loved that phrase. I used to be the same and bet so many can relate. I felt as if I was in the ‘waiting room’, being stuck, waiting for a sign… until I noticed them and started following them. Then you start passing different stages, as if you were CALLED to do so. You start moving forward without anyone noticing a thing around you but you change (shift!) a great deal. You become aware of your own existence. It’s like we are passing little rooms coming closer to the light or better yet, walking beside the Light. Once we realize that it is all along with us, - we-become-one-with-it. We realize we-are-it. This takes time to become your personal reality, - as Deepak put it today. Wow! Did you notice that “taking control” actually means letting go, release, detach from the outcome? Wow, I’m going nuts… this sh*t is crazy. 
grin emoticon I gained even deeper understanding during this short period of time with these meditations. I guess we were ready to hear. I wonder what’s beyond this now… we’ll be left with no other option but to practice it, - Making Grace A Way Of Life. heart emoticon ~ Namasté

its time to release the mantra

inhale and exhale slowly
when you feel ready, can open your eyes

as as you filled your day with contemplate the centering thought thought

Grace is perfect even when my life isn't.
Grace is perfect even when my life isn't.
Grace is perfect even when my life isn't.

In this moment, everything is just as it should be – even the things we see as less than perfect.

Is there something in your life that is a source of irritation or anxiety in your life? How can you shift your perspective to feel gratitude instead?
Day 18
The Rewards of the Higher Self
My higher self is with me all the time.
Sanatana Hum
I experience myself as ever-present.
"When gratitude is the natural way you approach life, it is no longer an activity you try to remember to do. Gratitude is simply how you express who you are and how you feel. The practice of gratitude naturally and invisibly becomes a life lived in the state of grace."
Now time of meditation , make yourself comfortable , close eyes begin aware to your breath ,  just breath slowly  and easily each breath , now gently Introduce the mantra , and repeat with self , with each  repeat  find your body and mind aligned -
Centering thought -
My higher self is with me all the time.
My higher self is with me all the time.
Repeat the mantra 
Snatana Hum 

its time to release the mantra

inhale and exhale slowly
when you feel ready, can open your eyes

as as you filled your day with contemplate the centering thought thought

My higher self is with me all the time.
My higher self is with me all the time.
My higher self is with me all the time.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----
Welcome to Day 19 – The Path to Total Transformation
Today, set the intention to listen for that voice within – your intuition – and follow wherever it leads.

"It is only through thanksgiving that I can become myself."  — Kallistos Ware

Day 19

The Path to Total Transformation


My inner light is guiding me.


Atma Prakasha

My true self shines with its own light.

Stella Johnson DAY19. "Human Consciousness should create situations, but right now, situations are creating human consciousness. That's not the right way to shape human life." ~ Sadhguru So, this is how we can create our lives as we want it. Consciously focussing on what we want, accepting situations, surrendering, trusting and that all will turn into a deeper knowing. You'll shift from one reality to another. Ego = Duality. Self = Unity. That Inner Light is our Intuition, that is how God speaks to us. We are one with the Self, with Divine Light when we allow ourselves to just be. ~ Namasté

The Guest House 

This being human is a guest house. 
Every morning a new arrival. 

A joy, a depression, a meanness, 
some momentary awareness comes 
as an unexpected visitor. 

Welcome and entertain them all! 
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows, 
who violently sweep your house 
empty of its furniture, 
still, treat each guest honourably. 
He may be clearing you out 
for some new delight. 

The dark thought, the shame, the malice, 
meet them at the door laughing, 
and invite them in. 

Be grateful for whoever comes, 
because each has been sent 
as a guide from beyond.
~ Rumi ~


"Love is such a deep gratitude. When you are truly in love with life, every breath you take is gratitude."  — Bryant McGill

Gratitude heals the past, brightens the present, and illuminates the future.

Welcome to Day 20 – The Highest Love Is Grace

When love flows from your true self to the true self of another – that is grace.

Giving thanks opens the door to grace, which in turn guides you to your true self.
Have you ever felt guided in the right direction by something bigger than yourself, even if you didn’t fully understand why?

Day 20

The Highest Love Is Grace


I allow love to come to my aid.


Aroot Perum Jothi

I am the light of divine grace.

experiences :-  "open yourself up to the infinite source of shared love" Deepak Chopra "rely on the power of gratitude which connects you to Grace" thanks for your meditation 

Stella Johnson DAY20. heart emoticon Almost everything I do, think or write is coming through me, from a Higher Place. I no longer “work hard” at anything, I am just in the flow of it. In Allowing (almost) at all times. I don’t really write, when I write, it just arrives. I don’t really think when I think, the next logical step just appears. And yes, even with talking, I sometimes ask for help from the Higher Frequencies to help me say the right words at the right times. It really works. I do feel comforted and at ease, because I know, the words will be there. You’ll end up not talking from your thoughts, but the words will just come through you as if Grace was speaking, not me. When one is alone Grace & Gratitude are rather obvious, we've mastered & practiced it enough by now.... I'm feeling at ease even while doing the dishes. Haha! Or when something I want doesn't go the way I prefer it, or happens slower, I just gently turn (shift) to The KNOWING that it'll come when the time is right. And honest to God, it does. There is a reason for everything. The challenge, however, seems to be when communicating with the world. When some are fully engaged in their Ego, then they activate mine. Which I now am aware of, so I’m softening my approach, by wanting to be less right and by being less judgemental, but it still happens. They still get me in a Face2Face conversation. Not that often as before and most certainly not anymore online. YT or FB are excellent exercising tools for this!!!! I REALLY mastered separating my Higher Self form the Ego Self while responding. I’m guessing the next step will be is to carry that Grace into the Face2Face contacts, not re-act from the Ego. I also think that when one reaches higher grounds, lower levels just won't find you... so I've still got work to do. grin emoticon Not so much to feel 'higher' or 'better' than others but because you are just ready - or CALLED for - something greater than life. That's how I feel. I've reached that point of being READY to actually do it. “I allow love to come to my aid.” What a comforting idea and the PERFECT timing to ask for such assistance. smile emoticon It has been gentle shifting for me all along, but now it is going even deeper. A FANTASTIC set of meditations Chopra Center Meditation. ~ Namasté


Day 21

Seeing with the Eyes of the Soul


My soul sees only light everywhere.


Twam Eva Sarvam

My true self is everything I hold dear.



* these 21 gifted days are over, what a journey for us. My heart and soul are filled with gratitude for this Divine gift. I understand more than ever that if we do not go whithin, we will go whithout. I teach meditation since 30 years and practice it also, but I love it when someone else guides it for me and you are the best. Be bless both of you, Namasté

*Serendipity...when I started this 21 days, I found myself in a book store walking directly to stand in front of the book "The Magic" in the series of "The secret" (which I never read) by Rhonda Byrne. A book of exercises to make gratefulness second nature in your life. I have been working along with the meditation and I've already experienced some very positive changes in my life.

* I am very happy and grateful now for serendipity in my life because it brings magic that swells the peace within my soul and raise the happiness energy, love and gratefulness. Metta.

*God consciousness is my awareness as I practice for better in love and Life grace is my teacher and wisdom increases my knowledge and my centering thoughts are to love true with gratitude for everything lesson learned. I m at the head of my life no longer chasing my tail. Because of the fears of letting go. i am free and clear Namaste

Keith Kearney · 

Day 21 - I realized that I want to fall forward into the light of my true self and the light of the divine. I realize that when I get defensive, anxious, and worried I am falling backwards away from the light of the divine into the Ego State of mind. This State of mind does not serve me but rather hinders my personal growth and self awareness. I choose to fall forward into divine light of knowledge, wisdom, faith, and love. When I catch myself and fall forward I have access to the field of endless possibilities, and options, that always lead to the betterment of myself and others.

A Special treat of 22nd day of Chopra's Meditation Course 

Day 22

Achieving Wholeness


Separation is an illusion. I am whole and complete.


Aham Brahmasmi
The true nature of my self is the wholeness of the uni
Deepak Chopra :  when we look an answer to the sky  this universe  is whole and complete  by creator  create with care and spectral-cage we do not find our self in same position  , the universe is random  life is non speculative . we separate each other of  from each pulled life  makes hard to believe  wholeness . The wholeness is something  to ask  to believe  as wholeness  in separation exist . and daily our life cut  like a slice of bread  each day I something to ask separation . we struggle to protect  our gains and losses  separate from fragmented lives  .  what is the kind of experience  of Oneness ? this moment or that moment you being here all the time . Only one thing qualifies  is  yourself . As long as  you awake , your constant companion is yourself . who looks from Inside  of all passing scenes . this is the mind who is aware  and alert  when nothing much is happening . " This is  the Knowledge  that you  exist " nothing is  constant as self and thanks to  we feel continue in from of various  blessings . we don't ask daily to see in mirror  whose that ? its look familiar instead you recognise  self . your childhood adolescent and Old ages  is no longer as you . we are talking self  as timeless awareness  as  whole  not as  self ego , self ego is changing  continues  from  new born  till last breath   its become nourish with gain and break with loss . As awareness  you always  remember who you are  and that is your whole .  So that  the Holiness  The whole  and  illness  and healing all derived with same world  and walk all along you .  As meditation   enlarge and convert in wisdom   we become heal  with self wholeness .   and the life feels holy and  filled  with wholeness  and grace .
 Its feeling of separation  when we feel wounded  and start to heal self  in isolation  and in separation . This happens automatically  when you remeber who you really are  and feel thank full for all blessings .  that you are you . and the identity  which reflected in mirror is temporary , the self is beyond  looking in mirror .  its beyond  capturing from senses  , the wholeness is alive  and bond to live  in life .  alive for gentleness  kindness  love and for beauty .


with considering center of thought
Separation is an illusion. I am whole and complete
Separation is an illusion. I am whole and complete.
 its time to release the mantra

inhale and exhale slowly
when you feel ready, can open your eyes

as as you filled your day with contemplate the centering thought thought
Separation is an illusion. I am whole and complete.
Separation is an illusion. I am whole and complete.
Separation is an illusion. I am whole and complete.

So today I completed this 21 day meditation. I want to say thank you both for sharing this not just with me but the community at large. I have done these before and I struggled to complete them so I am very proud of myself for getting this done. I have also noticed that I am looking at things I have started and gotten excited about and not completed and am asking new questions before I take on new projects it feels better and different. I am also learning how to ask for what I want and need and letting go. it is not easy to do but when I make a request of the universe and gd I had a very strong attachment to where when and how I needed this request to come. Since I have done these 21 days asking is good getting out of the way has been amazing. To say thank you befor it arrives and almost not care if it comes are not or it just does not take up extra space in my being has been amazing. Watching relationships change and trying to tell people what I think they should or should not do has changed. I have softened up and I am speaking into a new place maybe even using different words. I am different somehow than I was 21 days ago I love who I am and I love that I am on a old road with new opportunities and ideas. Thanks you Thank you Namaste
