Sunday 27 April 2014

The Beauty of meditation : primary meditational Stages (hints)-(Note)

जिसको तुम खोज रहे हो, वह तुम्हारे भीतर मौजूद है। जिसके लिए तुम जन्मों-जन्मों से भटक रहे हो, उसे एक क्षण को भी तुमने गंवाया नहीं है, वह सदा से तुम्हारे भीतर बैठा है। अपने भीतर लौट आओ। जरा लौटो, बस इतना ही तो मेरा शिक्षण है। अपनी तरफ आंख खोलो। अपनी किताब खोलो। अपने प्राणों को पढ़ो। अपनी आत्मा को पहचानो। और फिर कोई असंतोष नहीं, कोई दुख नहीं, कोई पीड़ा नहीं। स्वर्ग के द्वार खुल जाते हैं। Osho - Apui Gai Hirai - 10

Photo: The  Beauty of meditation :  primary meditational  Stages (hints):

In the  very 1rst stage you will find difficult  even settings  ,  concentration is  next too difficult thing  cause  of chaos  of mind ... for long even you not able to close  eyes . so no worries . its just start .... 

Soon you will able to  manage  sittings according to your comfort   ,  and now you get involved  try to  concentrate upon your mental and emotional  runnings ,this is very Important  Passing  in  entire  meditational sittings   because  this stage will introduce  yourself  from  you , like  a Mirror  you may able to see  yourself clearly , your problems  sufferings   weakness  and  all those  whatever you want to explore  within  .. do not rush to pass this stage quickly  you must give  time to settle  chaos completely .   I am  using minimum worlds  here  to explain better ,'   i can say  all chaos are  mantel products  ,  one catalytic  is  live  with you , that is also  a mind product ,   from  maunda  or   mind Maunda  is  forcefully  suggestive  some times it looks  submissive  another is mind  that is very logical  very curious  and   aggressive  , all your very inner mental  conditions . 

as you  encountered  with you own mind  and his  workings , soon you will able to do separate ... chaos  and   your basic  peace . With this  you will also realises about shapes  and causes  of   interferences.  and  you will  able to get detached yourself  from  any  Interferences  from Others  matters .  your judgmental instinct  will fell down .  

On continuation of meditation  , after some time ; you will able to see , not only see   because  everyone knows ( if your process is from heart and with truthfulness ) but this time  you get  strong feel  about  oneness  with other spirits ,  in any form  and in any shape   from entire nature . 

Then  as fruit , you will  have to realise  about the everyone has Birth right  to live  with their  pains and pleasures ... whatever  they have  pre distinct .  and  with this  suddenly  with the feel of Sakshi  you will  go  much away  from  the feel  of  doing .  another feel comes in   happening .  and this beautiful feel  give you abundance   calmness  peace  and happiness , because now you are in Sakshi Bhava  for yourself  and for  entire  Universe . 

In the last  ....  Prayers  for peace ...  for love ... for light , 

be with faith , Sure ! your Inner Sd-Guru  will help you ....  will show ...  you  right Path   of  your distinct , be patient  and  just believe  on yourself . one thing is clear  you are  not here  for any gains , here you get ready to loose one by one  everything  whatever  you had dress_up artificially .  Only "one"  thing will  be left with you  that is your own being . 

ॐ ॐ ॐ

(Dost ,  you may attain  this stage , minimum  in a  Minute ..if  you are ready for , if not  it may take unlimited time  may be years .. cause  all is  up to you for you , but one thing is i can say  nothing is impossible  if  wish is there .. wish is will )

In the very 1rst stage you will find difficult even settings , concentration is next too difficult thing cause of chaos of mind ... for long even you not able to close eyes . so no worries . its just start ....

Soon you will able to manage sittings according to your comfort , and now you get involved try to concentrate upon your mental and emotional runnings ,this is very Important Passing in entire meditational sittings because this stage will introduce yourself from you , like a Mirror you may able to see yourself clearly , your problems sufferings weakness and all those whatever you want to explore within .. do not rush to pass this stage quickly you must give time to settle chaos completely . I am using minimum worlds here to explain better ,' i can say all chaos are mantel products , one catalytic is live with you , that is also a mind product , from maunda or mind Maunda is forcefully suggestive some times it looks submissive another is mind that is very logical very curious and aggressive , all your very inner mental conditions .

as you encountered with you own mind and his workings , soon you will able to do separate ... chaos and your basic peace . With this you will also realises about shapes and causes of interferences. and you will able to get detached yourself from any Interferences from Others matters . your judgmental instinct will fell down .

On continuation of meditation , after some time ; you will able to see , not only see because everyone knows ( if your process is from heart and with truthfulness ) but this time you get strong feel about oneness with other spirits , in any form and in any shape from entire nature .

Then as fruit , you will have to realise about the everyone has Birth right to live with their pains and pleasures ... whatever they have pre distinct . and with this suddenly with the feel of Sakshi you will go much away from the feel of doing . another feel comes in happening . and this beautiful feel give you abundance calmness peace and happiness , because now you are in Sakshi Bhava for yourself and for entire Universe .

In the last .... Prayers for peace ... for love ... for light ,

be with faith , Sure ! your Inner Sd-Guru will help you .... will show ... you right Path of your distinct , be patient and just believe on yourself . one thing is clear you are not here for any gains , here you get ready to loose one by one everything whatever you had dress_up artificially . Only "one" thing will be left with you that is your own being . 

ॐ ॐ ॐ

(Dost , you may attain this stage , minimum in a Minute ..if you are ready for , if not it may take unlimited time may be years .. cause all is up to you for you , but one thing is i can say nothing is impossible if wish is there .. wish is will )

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