Friday 6 May 2016

Osho : Dance Music Laughter = Life

"My meditation is simple. It does not require any complex practices. It is simple. It is singing. It is dancing. It is sitting silently". — Osho

“To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.” — Osho


Start with meditation, and things will go on growing in you – silence, serenity, blissfulness, sensitivity. And whatever comes out of meditation, try to bring it out in life. Share it, because everything shared grows fast. And when you have reached the point of death, you will know there is no death. You can say goodbye, there is no need for any tears of sadness – maybe tears of joy, but not of sadness. But you have to begin from being innocent.
So first, throw out all crap that you are carrying. Everybody is carrying so much crap, and one wonders, for what? Just because people have been telling you that these are great ideas, principles.... You have not been intelligent with yourself. Be intelligent with yourself.
Life is very simple; it is a joyful dance. The whole earth can be full of joy and dance, but there are people who are seriously vested in their interest that nobody should enjoy life, that nobody should smile, that nobody should laugh, that life is a sin, that it is a punishment. How can you enjoy when the climate is such that you have been told continuously that it is a punishment? – that you are suffering because you have done wrong things and it is a kind of jail where you have been thrown to suffer?
I say to you life is not a jail, it is not a punishment. It is a reward, and it is given only to those who have earned it, who deserve it. Now it is your right to enjoy; it will be a sin if you don’t enjoy.
It will be against existence if you don’t beautify it, if you leave it just as you have found it. No, leave it a little happier, a little more beautiful, a little more fragrant.
Osho, Beyond Enlightenment, Talk #28
Thinking they have attained something -

There are many sannyasins who have left ; thinking they have attained something. Somendra thinks he has attained something, Rajen thinks he has attained something.And there are many Somendras and many Rajens.

Don't belong to that category any of you , because it is very easy for the mind to persuade you that you have attained it.Then you think,"What am I doing here,?"Remember this, when your mind says,"My God, in what unknown space have I entered?I cannot figure out what it is---- a taste , a sweetness, a fragrance, a joy , a song without words, a music without any instruments ."

The old Chinese proverb is :'When the musician becomes perfect, he throws away his instruments.When the archer becomes perfect,he forgets about his bow and arrows'.When a mediator comes to the very centre, there is dance , an immense blissfulness over-flooding him, but there is no thought. Beware of thinking .That is your enemy number one.




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