Keep going-on with little precaution
Keep Mystic safe In your Heart cave
"Listen . Keep silent .You are not gods mouthpiece. Try to be an ear."~Rumi
On the path of Spirituality and step-in in austerity , as everyone knows , * those who are in process and * those also walks in Spiritual path who are depends upon mind in suspicion and logical , they feel and pass through different experiences , mostly may are not true , it is very possible , most of them may Illusive and the result of free ride and imaginations of mind .
But this is also true on Spiritual path is Soul goes through mind to get above mind ,its a kind of tunnel which is end of light , but process may confusing .... cos travel is Innocent , but attraction is pushing to her towards distinct path .
why its happens ; cos its like tea making after pouring ingredients we wait till boil and after that we use too to use filter to get filtered tea ; cos with waste tea get polluted and it gives wrong message about her nice taste and affect .
Our conscious also in the path of Austerity On Spiritual way with many necessary Ingredients tea is making and Souls are with time by self get filtered , in another example one can understand as pot making with raw clay .. its very soft but after cook in fire it become beautiful and ready for service , till than pot not break
And magically these tea Ingredients are different through mind to mind ; In pot you can say particles are different they also passing though process while cook in fire ..... Here , i want to share , this is very prime instruction given by enlightened souls / Gurus , " kindly do not share your spiritual experiences to everyone ," why ? cos many of them who are in first step or just curious to listen magical stories are not able to understand .
On Other hand ; this precooked experiences many of them may not true also they find just as dreamy ride , they are giving confusion through description for descriptor also same as listener .. as result only The Bud-faith , who have just start bloom will get fade for no reason only cause for premature popups only .
Many meditation techniques use imagination to help you connect to an energetic phenomenon which is already there in you, but which you are unaware of. Osho has always said that imagination is very powerful, because energy follows imagination.
There is a basic fallacy that human beings fall into: they find a small truth, a part of the truth, and rather than discover the whole, the remaining part they imagine to fill up the gap. Because they have part of the truth, they can argue and they can manage to make a system, but the remaining part is simply their invention.
All the systems have done that. Rather than discovering the whole truth, it is the human tendency to say, "Why bother ? We have found a small piece which is enough for the showcase, which is enough to silence any enemy who raises any question" -- and the remaining is just invention. Osho , Vigyan Bhariav
an article by Anando published in the italian Osho Times:- As always, science is a little behind the mystics, who have known about the power of imagination for centuries. But science has finally ‘proved’ this power. At Harvard Medical School, neuroscientist Alvaro Pascual-Leone taught a bunch of students a little five-finger piano exercise. Then the group was divided into two. One group had to come every day for five days to practice the music for two hours. At the end of each day's practice, scientists mapped how much of the motor cortex of the brain controlled the finger movements needed for the piano exercise. After five days of practice, the motor cortex devoted to these finger movements had grown significantly.The second group also came every day for five days, but instead of practicing their music on a piano, they were told to just imagine their fingers were playing for the two hours. Then they too were tested. And to the great surprise of the researchers, they discovered that the region of motor cortex that controls the piano-playing fingers also expanded in the brains of volunteers who imagined playing the music, just as it had in those who actually played it.
In other words, they discovered that imagination can actually alter the physical structure and function of our brains.
So keep going with your meditation practices – they are creating new neural pathways in your brain which will make permanent changes in your life.
Best is , peaceful walk on path with patience and be in faith of distinct , whatever comes accept cos this is ultimate way to teach you by destiny . She is already thinking for you and already in action . just be little aware and awaken , don't get sleepy while destiny comes in front of you with many lessons serves one by one or sometime altogether . Nature is repetitive in lesson serving till than you not get awake.
you can do many miracles on this issue where many creatures are helpless but they are happy in limited resources, they can not think more , they are well adjusted with life they have , but you are not satisfied due to Conscious-full Mind , you have many questions you have many confusions , you have thirst also , what is the base of your continues inquiry So * Use this quality Positively for self first , Inquire everything from self within , Go inside ride , rather outer-word wandering , with this quality you also have big responsibility to help nature and at least do not destroy this responsibility allotted from lord ; as gift... given potential to you .
on more reading expedition you may follow this link :-
Take care and Continue walks
you can do many miracles on this issue where many creatures are helpless but they are happy in limited resources, they can not think more , they are well adjusted with life they have , but you are not satisfied due to Conscious-full Mind , you have many questions you have many confusions , you have thirst also , what is the base of your continues inquiry So * Use this quality Positively for self first , Inquire everything from self within , Go inside ride , rather outer-word wandering , with this quality you also have big responsibility to help nature and at least do not destroy this responsibility allotted from lord ; as gift... given potential to you .
on more reading expedition you may follow this link :-
Take care and Continue walks
Om Pranam
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