Below pic is indication of energy flow within body through Ida and Pingla Via Sushmna
1. Root Chakra - Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded.
Location: Base of spine in tailbone area.
Emotional issues: Survival issues such as financial independence, money, and food.
Location: Base of spine in tailbone area.
Emotional issues: Survival issues such as financial independence, money, and food.
Sacral Chakra - Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences.
Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in.
Emotional issues: Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, sexuality.
Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in.
Emotional issues: Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, sexuality.
Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area.
Emotional issues: Self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem.
4. Heart Chakra - Our ability to love.
Location: Center of chest just above heart.
Emotional issues: Love, joy, inner peace.
Location: Center of chest just above heart.
Emotional issues: Love, joy, inner peace.
Location: Throat.
Emotional issues: Communication, self-expression of feelings, the truth.
Location: Forehead between the eyes. (Also called the Brow Chakra)
Emotional issues: Intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions.
Location: The very top of the head.
Emotional issues: Inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, pure bliss.
Clear vision :- as we have chakras with abundance of power , Same chakra power captures within one tiny single cell to entire Earth and same way it captures allover Universe . It is very Scientific and proven . Science found same qualities in one single cell as it is spread in Universe . you can trust upon Scientific proves. animals have chakras , plants have chakras , it is well known you have chakras , through chakra energy flows allover . it is total Oneness .
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